A Daily Personal Prayer Journal

(The Daily Personal Prayer Journal is a gathering of quotations from various sources, each of which might lead you to a quiet moment of prayer, of a sharing of love between you and God. Choose one and then use it as a springboard into prayer.)

April 24, 2024

Daily Thought from the Saints

"The last degree of love is when He gave Himself to us to be our Food; because He gave Himself to be united with us in every way."

— St. Bernardine of Siena

Daily Scripture Verse

"My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."

Proverbs 2:1-5

Daily Meditation

"Prayer brings our mind into the brightness of divine light, and exposes our will to the warmth of divine love. Nothing else can so purge our mind from its ignorance, and our will from its depraved affections. It is a blessed fountain which, as it flows, revives our good desires and causes them to bring forth fruit, washes away the stains of infirmity from our soul, and calms the passions of our hearts."

— St. Francis de Sales

Daily Catholic Wisdom

We remember the first Pentecost and how God changed the early Church forever. The disciples went from being a fearful, timid, selfish group of people to bold and fearless proclaimers of the Gospel. God wants to fill us anew with that same confidence, boldness peace, and joy.

reCatholic Novenas
from “A Rushing Wind: A Novena With The Holy Spirit”

A Prayer

Rev. Michael Belinsky, C.S.C.

Just because we know that you exist, O God, does not mean that we always believe in you and your goodness for all people. Strengthen our faith in your presence to us, especially through the Word of Scripture and the sacraments of your Church. May our belief in you reveal itself in our goodness to others, especially in ways of sacrifice and service. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Abbot’s Daily Lectio Divina
Abbot Austin Murphy, O.S.B., St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, IL

Psalm 67:1-2


   May God have pity on us and bless us; may he let his face shine upon us.
   So may your way be known upon earth; among all nations, your salvation.


Why does the psalm ask not only that God act in our lives (that is, that He bless us), but that we know of it? Because God’s action is meant to bring about our praise of Him. The action is not only meant to effect what it itself accomplishes (for example, forgiveness of sin), but our praise of Him for that accomplishment. A necessary part of our salvation is that we praise God. And to praise God, we need to know what He has done for us.


Lord, increase my praise of You, so that it is closer to what You deserve. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.



("Thoughts from the Saints," Scripture Verse of the Day," and "Daily Meditation" are all taken from "Your Morning Offering" by The Catholic Company. "Daily Catholic Wisdom" is taken from CatholicWisdom.org.  from  The prayer comes from The University of Notre Dame's daily Gospel commentary. "The Abbot's Daily Lectio Divina" is written by Abbot Austin Murphy of St. Procopius Abbey in Lisle, IL.)

Father Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M.

A Franciscan Friar and Roman Catholic priest ordained in 1975, Fr. Lawrence has experience as a high school teacher (1970-1974, 1975-1979, 1986-1992), an itinerant preacher (1996-1999), an editor, and administrator. He has served as Executive Secretary (Secretary of the Province) for the Franciscans of the Sacred Heart Province, headquartered in St. Louis, MO (1979-1984), Associate Novice Master (1984-1986), Post-Novitiate Formation (1986-1987), President of the Board of Directors of Mayslake Village, Oak Brook, Illinois (1987-1989), Associate Business Manager of St. Peter's Church, Chicago, IL (1992-1996) and Master of Postulants (1999-2004). From 2007 to 2021, he served as administrator of CUSA - an apostolate of persons with chronic illness and/or disability. 

Fr. Lawrence also has extensive experience as an editor and proof reader. After 20+ years of teaching English in a high school classroom, he has turned his language skills in the direction of publishing and editing. 

Fr. Lawrence also has more than forty years experience of teaching English as a second language to natives of Korea, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, Austria, Vietnam, and Italy.

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