St. Anthony of Padua
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator
Today is the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, also known as St. Anthony of Lisbon. This great Franciscan preacher died at an early age, the victim of diabetes. Because he lived in the 13th century, long before treatment for the disease was possible, this illnesss claimed his life while he was still a very young man. However, despite the shortness of his life, he stands as an example of someone who responded to the universal call to holiness.
Let us remember all victims of this disease, especially all CUSANS who are so afflicted.
PS. I will be in St. Louis, Missouri, this week gathering with the Franciscan Friars of my Province for our triennial Province Chapter. I may not be able to access our "almost daily" blog while I am away. I will return at the end of the week. Please keep us in your prayers as we elect new leadership and plan for the future.