February 3, 2025
Daily Thought from the Saints
"Think well. Speak well. Do well. These three things, through the mercy of God, will make a man go to Heaven."
— St. Camillus
Daily Scripture Verse
"I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world."
John 16:33
Daily Meditation
"Undertake courageously great tasks for God's glory, to the extent that he'll give you power and grace for this purpose. Even though you can do nothing on your own, you can do all things in him. His help will never fail you if you have confidence in his goodness. Place your entire physical and spiritual welfare in his hands. Abandon to the fatherly concern of his divine providence every care for your health, reputation, property, and business; for those near to you; for your past sins; for your soul's progress in virtue and love of him; for your life, death, and especially your salvation and eternity—in a word, all your cares. Rest in the assurance that in his pure goodness, he'll watch with particular tenderness over all your responsibilities and cares, arranging all things for the greatest good."
— St. John Eudes
Daily Catholic Wisdom
If we leave things alone, they will decay. If we do nothing, we will gradually become nothing. All progress, and all hope for joy, requires our action. Without our effort, the universe is a failure, not a work of art.
—Peter Kreeft
from his book, “The Mystery of Joy”
The Creator alone is the true savior of humanity, and it is only by trusting the Creator that we find ourselves on the path to saving the world, mankind, and all things.
—Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
from his book “The Divine Project”
A Prayer from Notre Dame University
Rev. Thomas O’Hara, C.S.C.
Jesus, you freed the tormented man who sometimes was shackled by others and at other times tortured himself into pain. Be with us, Lord, and free us from all the ways we may feel shackled by circumstances of life or the times when we inflict needless pain upon ourselves. As you did for the tormented man, free us from all that binds us and help us to know the deep peace that only you can provide. Amen.