Fulfill Our Needs
Homily for Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time
In both of the Scripture readings for this Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, God responds to a need. In the case of Adam in the Book of Genesis, God provides a helper, a mate. In the Gospel text for today, Jesus responds to the need of a Gentile woman.
A Gentile woman hears of Jesus’ presence and runs to him, falls at his feet, and begs him to remove an unclean spirit from her daughter. Jesus casts her faith, but she is ready for this. She tells him that “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps.”
In making clear to all who see and hear what is happening [both those around Jesus at the time, and us], he first points out that this woman is a Gentile. Consequently, he demonstrates the love and attention of the God of creation for all people, for we are all subject to God’s mercy and love. It is not limited to the Jewish people but is available to all who have faith.
God saw the deepest and most profound need of his creatures once again. To that moment God graciously brought forth a “new helper,” a new advocate, in the person of his Son. Born of a woman, Jesus would care for and nurture creation in the new covenant, uniting us once again to God and reconciling all that had been broken since the fall of Adam and Eve.
God cannot be out done in generosity or creativity, and God may never cease to surprise us. God is our help – our helper – who sees our deepest needs and the tenants to them.