O Root of Jesse
December 19
(From December 17 until Christmas Eve, the Church begins to enhance Evening Prayer with what have become known as the "O Antiphons." These antiphons are used to introduce the "Magnificat," Mary's Song of Praise. Each of them introduces a title that applies to Jesus, the Christ, our Messiah.)
The O Antiphon for December 19, "O Radix Jesse"/"O Root of Jesse," is drawn from Isaiah 11:1 and 11:10.
But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,
and from his roots a bud shall blossom.
On that day,
The root of Jesse,
set up as a signal for the peoples—
Him the nations will seek out;
his dwelling shall be glorious.
O Root of Jesse, Who dost stand for an ensign of the people, before Whom kings shall keep silence, and unto Whom the Gentiles shall make their supplication: come to deliver us, and tarry not.