Saturday, March 15, 2025

Father Lawrence's Blog

Solely on God
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M.
/ Categories: Homilies

Solely on God

Homily for Thursday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

The experience that the children of Israel had as they stood at the base of Mount Sinai waiting for Moses to return was full of dread and awe. Thunder, lightning, fire, and wind accompanied the presence of God atop Mount Sinai. So frightened were they that they asked Moses to promise them that they would not have to undergo this experience again. Instead, they asked Moses to make sure that there was always someone within their number who would be a mediator between them and the Lord God. Moses promised that there would always be a prophet in their midst to convey the Word of God to them.

The writer of the letter to the Hebrews refers to this experience as he contrasts the new covenant that they have formed through Jesus with the covenant that they had formed through Moses. Rather than having to experience the thunder and lightning and fire and wind, they had sat down to a sacred meal with Jesus as he acted as mediator between them and God.

In the Gospel text, we read the instructions that Jesus gives to his apostles as he sends them, two by two, to preach the nearness of the Kingdom of God, to heal the sick and to expel demons. That which he had come to do was now being asked of the Twelve. It is obvious from the instructions that he gives them that they are to rely solely on God. Mark allows them to take a walking stick or staff, but even this aid is denied them in the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke.

These readings invite us all to consider our relationship with God. Are we fearful of an encounter with the Lord? Are we at peace with the presence of Jesus in our midst? Do we rely on God’s help as we make our way through the day? By living out the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and by walking in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi, we consecrated religious have chosen the lot of those who live simply without regard for material possessions. However, we are to live simply without regard for amassing great wealth. We have given everything to God and rely on his mercy and providential care. At the head of the list of God’s gifts to us, is the Eucharist – the very presence of Jesus in our midst.

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