A Lenten Word - Division
Homily for Saturday of the Fourth Week in Lent
A Lenten Word – A Division
“So a division occurred in the crowd because of him” (John 7: 43).
Today’s Gospel text begins with a statement that the crowds responded to Jesus’ words by calling him a prophet or the Messiah. There were some in the crowd who denied that he could be either because they knew where he came from. They presumed that he had been born in Nazareth of Galilee. However, as St. Luke informed us, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the city of David.
Jesus invited the crowd to come to him if they were thirsty. From him they would gain living waters. This reference continues the Jesus-Moses motif that runs through the Gospels. Moses had brought forth living waters, flowing waters, by striking a rock with his staff. Living waters also corresponds to the Prophet Ezekiel who spoke of water flowing from the temple.
All of us know about divisions. Our society, our culture proliferates with divisions. Sadly, there are also divisions within the Church. Mario J. Paredes has written an article to commemorate the election of Pope Francis on March 13, 2013. In that article he writes: “If something has characterized Francis, from the first moment of his Pontificate, it has been his attachment to Jesus and his gospel, which is why he has become a light and “sign of contradiction” (Lk 2:34-35) for the church and for the world. From this attachment to the gospel comes his authority, which is absolute coherence between his actions and his words, between his words and his gestures.”
Throughout this day, may we be mindful of the need for us to pray for unity within the church and for our shepherd, Pope Francis.