A Lenten Word - I Commend My Spirit
Homily for Wednesday of the Second Week in Lent
A Lenten Word - I Commend My Spirit
I’m sure that we remember these words vividly as the words that Jesus spoke in the Gospel of Saint Luke just before he died on the cross. They are also uttered by David in Psalm 31 which may have been written at the time that King Saul was pursuing him with the intent to kill him. David can be heard praying:
“Free me from the net they have set for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hands I commend my spirit…” (Psalm 31:5-6a)
Similar words are also used by Stephen in the Acts of the Apostles as he is being stoned by the crowd for his testimony about Jesus Christ.
Finally, they are words that are used in an antiphon at Compline in the Liturgy of the Hours.
Let us use them today as we go about our various tasks and try to remain mindful of all that God has done for us, for as King David prayed, God is a the one who will save him from “the net they have set for” him a refuge, a rock, a stronghold. Like David, let us turn our lives over to Jesus who protects us as our Savior and Lord.