A LentenWord - Patience
Homily for Tuesday of the Third Week in Lent
Today’s Gospel text gives us the parable of the unforgiving servant. When the King demands payment of his debt, the servant asks that the kingdom be patient with him.
“‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back in full.”
There is an old story about Jacob the cobbler who was regarded by the other members of his community as a very wise man. One day a man and his wife came to Jacob and asked him: “Jacob, please teach us how to be patient with our children.” Jacob rather curtly dismissed them and said: “Away with you, I don’t have time for your foolish questions.”
The couple were struck dumb by Jacob’s response. However, finding their tongue eventually they said to Jacob: “How do you think your response makes us feel?” Not lifting his eyes from his cobbler’s bench, Jacob said: “Remember how you felt when I responded dismissively the next time your children try your patience.”
Patience is a virtue that we need at every stage of our lives. For those of us who have reached old age, we probably need to learn to be patient with ourselves, for we no longer can do all that we used to do. God is most patient with us, for God forgives us each and every time we ask. Let us remember throughout our day that we need to learn patience.