A Second Chance
Homily for Saturday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time
The Scripture readings for today features two prophets, Jeremiah and John the Baptist. Both are threatened with death because of the messages that they preach. While Jeremiah was saved in the incident that is reported today, he did eventually die the death of a martyr after Assyria had conquered both the northern and southern kingdoms. The manner of his death is too horrible to mention so I will not speak of it in this homily. We all know that John the Baptist was beheaded by the order of Herod Antipas.
St. Matthew records the death of John the Baptist as something of a flashback. Herod has heard of Jesus and immediately thinks that it is John the Baptist come back from the dead. It is interesting to note that Herod was given a second chance to listen to God’s word – once from John and a second time from Jesus. However, he ignored it both times. The Gospels also record that Herod was involved in the decision to crucify Jesus. His is the epitome of a dysfunctional life – full of fear and refusing to accept any correction, no matter what the source. His decision to have John the Baptist beheaded fits into a pattern of continuing his father’s reign of suspicion, control, and violence, to which he added his own spin of adultery by marrying his brother’s wife.
The fact that Herod was given a second chance to listen to God’s word when he hears of Jesus tells us that God does not give up on us and is always seeking moments to remind us of what is right and just. Our greatest challenge is to do what Herod could not find the courage to – to repent and believe the Good News.