Faith Makes Us Worthy
Homily for Friday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time
The Pharisees would probably win the contest of the group that we most like to dislike. They seem to be stubborn and obstreperous men who can do nothing but criticize Jesus. The word “pharisee” is a Hebrew word that means “separated.” They chose to separate themselves from everyone they considered unworthy because of their lifestyle, their infractions of the Law of Moses, and their lack of learning and understanding.
If you stop and consider this for just a short while, you might discover that we often form opinions of others based on the same things. We don’t approve of their lifestyle. We don’t approve of their immoral behavior, and we often look down upon those who are uneducated. The fact of the matter is that none of these things makes us worthy in the eyes of God. The Gospels teach us over and over again that the only thing that makes us worthy of being called children of God is faith. If we believe, then God welcomes us no matter what our faults, no matter what our lifestyle, and no matter how learned and wise we may be. Faith is all that matters.
If we are truly honest with ourselves, no matter how many prayers we say, no matter how many good works we do, and no matter how much education we have will change the fact that like Matthew, the tax collectors and the prostitutes of the Gospel, we are all sinners. Since Jesus publically states that he has come to call sinners, then we are included in God’s family.
While the Pharisees profess to follow the Law of Moses, Jesus asks Matthew to follow him. He asks the same of us. Place our trust in Jesus and follow him. This is the way to find a place in the reign of God.
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator