Fear is at the Root of Betrayal
Homily for Tuesday of Holy Week
The four Suffering Servant Songs from the prophet Isaiah are all proclaimed this holy week. Today we hear the second of these songs in which God proclaims: “You are my servant, Israel, through whom I show my glory.” The reason that Israel was elected to be God’s people is very clearly stated. God will reveal his glory to the world through Israel which God will raise up to be a royal, priestly, and holy people.
The second Vatican Council took this description very much to heart. When it promulgated the various constitutions that were developed through the dialogical process in which the bishops engaged, the Church was defined in this very same way; namely, we are a royal, priestly, and holy people. By virtue of our baptism, we have been raised up to reveal God’s glory to the world.
The Gospel for this Tuesday of Holy Week tells the story of betrayal by both Judas and Peter. Though they betrayed Jesus in different ways, both were guilty. They both forgot why they had been created and why Jesus had chosen them to be his apostles.
The same thing happens in our lives when we choose our own way rather than the way of Jesus. He has told us to pick up our cross and follow him. Like both Judas and Peter, we are afraid of what this might mean and where this path might lead. Fear may be more evident in the case of Peter’s denial, but Judas’ betrayal was also motivated by fear. We join with the psalmist in praying: “In you, O Lord, I take refuge. Let me never be put to shame.”