Fear Tactics
Homily for Thursday of the 30th Week in Ordinary Time
Today we hear some Pharisees trying to use fear tactics to get Jesus to move on, to get him to stop preaching to the multitudes. While they may seem to be trying to protect Jesus from Herod, their apparent care for him is not their typical response. Apparently they have come to realize that their previous tactics of trying to trip Jesus up in his speech was not going to work so they turned to a different ploy. However, Jesus responds just as cleverly to the fear tactics as he had done when they were trying to trip him up with questions. Essentially he says that as long as he continues to fulfill his Father’s will, he has nothing to fear. At the same time, in addressing Jerusalem, he also reveals that he is aware of what awaits him when he reaches Jerusalem.
Fear tactics seem to be the choice of our politicians these days as well. Instead of speaking about the issues, both sides are content in raising fears in the minds of the voters about what the other guy will do. Unfortunately, this seems to be working for some people. However, as we listen to Jesus today, we are reminded that we also have nothing to fear as long as we continue to fulfill God’s will for us. Like Jesus, we all know that the end of our lives could come at any moment. However, we choose not to give into fear about the future, for we trust God’s promise.
St. Paul advises us to put on the armor of God to protect ourselves from the onslaughts of the darkness that is intent on overcoming the world. However, once again, we know that as long as we keep the flame of faith burning in our lives, the darkness cannot overcome us.
As we come to the altar this morning, we know that Jesus is with us, really present in our bodies and in our souls. With confidence, we put any sense of fear aside.
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator