Saturday, February 22, 2025


Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M.
/ Categories: Homilies

Joined with Jesus

Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus usually falls in June. In fact, June is designated as the month of the Sacred Heart. However, the calendar played tricks on us this year with an Easter date much later than usual. So here we are on the first day of July and celebrating this beautiful feast. It has always been a special day of prayer for members of CUSA. You can be sure that you will all be in my prayers today as I celebrate the Eucharist on this day when we highlight God's love for us.

The Gospel for today is the familiar reading from Matthew's eleventh chapter which speaks of the yoke of Jesus. Jesus is referring to his covenant relationship with us as a yoke because that is how the Covenant of Sinai was also described. However, the difference between the two is that while the Covenant of Sinai imposed a heavy burden upon God's people, our relationship to and with Jesus is easy and light. It is characterized as such not because of the burden itself but because of our partner.

In order to understand this, one must stop to consider what a yoke is. It is an implement used by people who are trying to get two animals, such as oxen, to work together in tandem. The yoke forced them to work together, to match the other's step. Each had to keep step with the other or the yoke would pull at them, causing not a little discomfort. One doesn't use a yoke for one animal. The harness for a single animal is much different from a yoke.

We realize then, that because Jesus shares the yoke with us we are capable of anything that is asked of us. Jesus is yoked to us and cannot abandon us. As long as we place our trust in him, we will find that he will lift up the burden and make it possible for us to do whatever is asked of us. This is the mystery that keeps unfolding for all of us who bear the cross of chronic illness and/or disability. We are able to keep on "keeping on" as long as we do not shed the yoke which is easy.

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«February 2025»


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