Taught, Loved and Sent
Homily for Saturday of the First Week in Advent
Each time we read the Scriptures, we come a way having been instructed, loved, and sent. This movement is duplicated in the Eucharist itself as we hear the Gospel proclaimed, experience the love of God in our communion, and are sent in peace to our brothers and sisters.
This theme echoes in all three of the Scriptures that we proclaim today. The prophet Isaiah speaks of God as “The Teacher.” God instructs the people. Having given them their instructions, God then heals them with love. In the words of Isaiah, God promises to bind up the wounds of the people and heal the bruises left by the hands of their captors.
Psalm 47, our response to the readings today, is one of the great “Hallel” psalms which act as a doxology at the end of the Book of Psalms. We hear the words of healing as the psalmist proclaims: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
The Gospel reading for today echoes these sentiments as we hear that the heart of Jesus was moved with pity as he healed every illness and disease. At the end of the Gospel text, we hear once again that Jesus hands over the power to heal to the Twelve and sends them to the lost children of Israel.
Each time we celebrate the Eucharist, we are taught, we are loved with the greatest love, and we are sent to preach the Gospel as we move among the people. Today, we pray for the strength to fulfill our mission which has been given to us by Jesus.