The “Ice” or “Cold” Saints
Many European Catholics, especially German Catholics, mark three or four days beginning today to remember the "cold saints" or "ice saints." They are St. Mamertus (May 11), St. Pancras (May 12), St. Servatz (May 13), and St. Bonifatz (May 14). They are called the ice saints because these days in May are oftentimes the last chilly days before the onset of warm weather. (Here in Chicago we are experiencing just such a cold snap.) St. Mamertus was responsible for intiating the three days of prayer for good crops known as Rogation Days on the three days before the Feast of the Ascension. St. Pancras was a fourteen year old boy who died a martyr rather than give up his faith. St. Servatz, a German bishop, renowned for his holiness, is remembered because his grave is never covered with snow even though all the surrounding area is. Finally St. Bonifatz of Tarsus also was a martyr under the persecution of Diocletian.
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator