The Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila
Homily for the Memorial of St. Teresa of Jesus
Today I simply offer you the powerful poem/prayer of St. Teresa of Avila:
by St. Teresa of Avila
Let nothing disturb you,
let nothing frighten you,
everything passes,
but God stays.
Patience reaches it all;
he who has God
nothing lacks:
God alone suffices.
Lift your thinking,
raise up to heaven,
let nothing anguish you,
let nothing disturb you.
Follow Jesus Christ
with an open heart,
and, no matter what may come,
let nothing frighten you.
See the glory of the world?
It's vainglory;
it is not everlasting,
everything passes.
Yearn for the celestial
that lasts forever:
faithful and rich in promises,
God doesn't change.
Love it the way it deserves
immense kindness;
but there is not fine love
without patience.
Confidence and lively faith
let the soul maintain,
that he who believes and hopes
reaches it all.
Although harassed by hell
one may see himself,
he who has God
will defeat its rage.
Come abandonment,
crosses, misfortune;
God being your treasure,
you lack nothing.
Go, then, worldly goods
go, vain happiness;
even if everything is lost
God alone suffices.