The Preaching Ministry of Jesus
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator
The word is out. Jesus can heal illness, cure disease, and expel evil spirits. The effect of this news on the city of Capernaum is just what one would expect. People begin to come from near and far bringing with them those in need of Jesus' healing touch.
However, while healing was an integral part of Jesus' ministry, it was not his purpose, his focus. As we heard a few weeks ago, Jesus came to preach, announcing the good news that the Kingdom of God was near. Jesus came to bring people to the realization that God was calling them to repentance, to faith. When Peter asks Jesus to return to Capernaum, Jesus insists that they move on to preach in the other villages and towns that dotted the countryside of Galilee.
Jesus will eventually return to Capernaum; however, he will return only after reaching out to others and bringing the good news even to the ten cities, the Dacapolis. Jesus did not want to be known only as a wonder worker, a healer. He wanted people to hear and to come to faith through that hearing. It is for this reason that the Church continues to preach the Good News, the Gospel. "Repent, and believe in the Gospel."