Saturday, February 22, 2025


Tuesday Devotions to St. Anthony
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M.
/ Categories: Homilies

Tuesday Devotions to St. Anthony

Homily for the Feast of St. Anthony

Today, the Franciscan Friars honor one of the most popular of all Franciscan Saints: St. Anthony of Padua, also known as St. Anthony of Lisbon.  St. Anthony was born in Lisbon where he was ordained as an Augustinian canon.  However, he was inspired to join the Friars Minor when he witnessed the remains of several Franciscan missionaries being returned from Africa where they had died as martyrs.  He immediately sought entrance into the Franciscan Order.

According to his biographers, St. Anthony was buried on a Tuesday. While his impressive funeral cortege worked its way through the city of Padua, the crowd witnessed many miracles of healing as the saint's body was carried to its final resting place. Tuesday became a special day of the week for the townspeople who began to congregate at St. Anthony's tomb every Tuesday.

Hundreds of years later, when the custom of visiting his grave on Tuesday had been forgotten, a childless woman who had been married for twenty-two years prayed at the tomb and asked St. Anthony to intercede on her behalf. The saint is said to have appeared to her and asked her to come to his tomb for nine consecutive Tuesdays. When she completed the novena, she found herself with child. Ever since that time, the custom of praying the novena has been observed in most Franciscan sanctuaries.

While St. Anthony will ever be the Saint who finds things, there is so much more to this man.  He was the true evangelical man, a man who was so well versed in the Gospels that he was called upon by St. Francis himself to teach the young friars.  The story of his preaching is fascinating.  Supposedly, Anthony was scrubbing pots in the kitchen to help as the friars prepared a meal for the crowd that had assembled for the ordination of a young friar.  The man who was supposed to preach at the ordination had suddenly died.  So one of the friars rushed to the kitchen to find the saint with soap suds up to his elbows.  “Anthony, the guardian asks that you come to preach at the ordination.”  One sermon later, everyone knew the secret: Anthony was a wonderful preacher.

As we celebrate this wonderful Saint’s feast, let us also draw close to the Gospel he preached. 

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