St. Bede the Venerable
May 25
St. Bede (672–735 A.D.), also known as the Venerable Bede, was born to a wealthy family in England. At the age of seven he was sent to the Benedictine monastery to be educated by the monks. He discerned a vocation to the monastic life, and devoted himself to prayer and to the study of Sacred Scripture and Church history. After being ordained at the age of thirty, he went on to become a prolific writer and teacher. He was considered to be a genius and was widely famous for his theological works and knowledge of ecclesiastical history. He was also well-versed in all the natural sciences known in his day, making him an extraordinary scholar whose influence spread throughout Europe for centuries. During his life he was also considered to be a saint, and his writings were so filled with heavenly wisdom that a Church council ordered them to be read publicly in the churches. Bede was given the name Venerable not long after his death, and centuries later was named a Doctor of the Catholic Church. St. Bede's feast day is celebrated on May 25th.