St. George
April 23
St. George (d. 303 A.D.) was born in Palestine to noble Christian parents. Like his father, he enlisted as a soldier in the Roman army serving under Emperor Diocletian. He was renowned for his bravery and outstanding military prowess, and was a favorite of the Emperor. Many fantastical legends are ascribed to him, however, none are known to be true with any certainty. The most famous legend is St. George and the Dragon, where St. George, after making the Sign of the Cross, saved a king's daughter from being devoured by a man-eating dragon. He killed the elusive dragon, and by this feat persuaded many souls to accept baptism. He also admonished the king, his princess having been saved by Christ's power, to support the cause of the Church. What is known with certainty is that St. George, after confessing and refusing to renounce his faith in Christ, was martyred in Palestine during the Christian persecution of Diocletian. He became a highly venerated saint in antiquity, and many early churches were dedicated in his honor. St. George is the patron of many causes and countries, including soldiers, knights, chivalry, horsemen, farmers, Canada, England, and Germany, to name a few. His feast day is April 23.