Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Great Cloud of Witnesses

St. Hiltrude of Liesses
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M.

St. Hiltrude of Liesses

September 27

Saint Hiltrude of Liessies, also known as Iltrude, was a revered Catholic saint who lived during the 8th century. She is best known for her life as a recluse near Liessies, a small village located in what is now modern-day France. Hiltrude's spiritual journey was greatly influenced by her brother, Gundrad, who happened to be the abbot of the nearby monastery. Born in the late 8th century, not much is known about Hiltrude's early life. However, it is believed that she was deeply devoted to her faith from a young age. Seeking a life of seclusion and prayer, Hiltrude settled in a small hermitage near Liessies, choosing to reside alone in solitude, dedicating her life to contemplation and devotion to God. Hiltrude's decision to live as a recluse was not made lightly, and it was under the guidance and spiritual direction of her brother Gundrad that she was able to embark on this path. As the abbot of a nearby monastery, Gundrad provided Hiltrude with the necessary guidance and support to deepen her relationship with God. Throughout her life as a recluse, Hiltrude embraced a profoundly ascetic lifestyle. She engaged in rigorous acts of self-discipline, including fasting, prayer, and penance, with the aim of growing closer to God. Hiltrude's life was marked by a deep interior spiritual life, focusing on constant prayer and contemplation. Although little is known about specific events in Hiltrude's life, she was renowned for her holiness and humility, attracting locals who sought her spiritual guidance and advice. It is believed that Hiltrude possessed great wisdom and understanding, as she provided counsel and inspiration to those who sought solace and direction from her. Saint Hiltrude of Liessies passed away around the year 790, having lived a life fully dedicated to God. Details surrounding her death remain obscure, but it is widely accepted that she died of natural causes. Her unwavering commitment to a life of prayer and seclusion left a lasting impact on those who encountered her. While Hiltrude of Liessies was never officially canonized by the Catholic Church, she is venerated as a saint, having lived an exemplary and holy life. Her feast day is celebrated on September 27th each year. Though not recognized as the patron saint of any particular group or cause, the spiritual legacy of Saint Hiltrude continues to inspire many individuals on their own spiritual journeys. Her devotion to a life of solitude and prayer is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the pursuit of a deeper connection with God.


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