St. Jerome
September 30
St. Jerome (347 - 420) was born to a wealthy pagan family in Dalmatia. He was sent to Rome for his schooling and there converted to Christianity, being baptized by Pope Liberius. He studied theology and traveled widely to the important intellectual and theological centers across the newly-established Christian Empire. He was ordained a priest at Antioch and lived many years as a hermit in a nearby desert. He became an extraordinary scholar, considered to be the most learned of the Latin Church Fathers. Because of his many significant theological works, most notably the thirty years he spent writing the Latin translation of the Bible (the Latin Vulgate), he is one of the most influential and orthodox theologians in the life of the early Church. In his final years Saint Jerome lived in a monastery that he founded in the Holy Land near Bethlehem, where he worked on writing histories and biographies in addition to drawing deeper into a life of prayer and asceticism. For his important scholarly contributions St. Jerome was named a Doctor of the Church. He is the patron of libraries, archaeologists, students, and translators. St. Jerome's feast day is September 30th.