Friday, October 18, 2024

The Great Cloud of Witnesses

St. Justus of Beauvais
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M.

St. Justus of Beauvais

October 18

Saint Justus of Beauvais, also known as Justus of Louvre, Justus of Parisis, and Justin of Beauvais, was a young martyr who bravely professed his Christian faith during the persecutions of Diocletian in France. Born in 278 in Auxerre, France, Justus was only nine years old when he embarked on a fateful journey with his father to Amiens to rescue or ransom a relative who had been imprisoned due to their Christian beliefs. Tragically, during their trip, Justus was denounced to the pagan authorities as a Christian magician. His captors questioned him about his faith when he arrived in Beauvais, France. Undoubtedly aware of the danger he faced, the courageous young boy fearlessly confessed his Christianity. As a result, he was immediately condemned to death. According to legend, after being executed, the body of Saint Justus picked up its severed head and stood upright before the terrified soldiers. Over time, subsequent retellings of the story describe the headless boy miraculously preaching and even converting the pagan soldiers who witnessed this astounding sight. Saint Justus of Beauvais is venerated as a martyr for his unwavering commitment to his Christian beliefs, even in the face of persecution and death. His feast day is celebrated on the 18th of October, and in Zutphen, Netherlands, it is celebrated on the 11th of October. His relics are predominantly housed in the cathedral in Paris, but smaller fragments can be found in other locations in France, Belgium, and England. While Saint Justus of Beauvais does not have a specific patronage assigned to him, his steadfast devotion and sacrifice serve as an example of unwavering faith for all Christians. As a Pre-Congregation saint, he attained the status of veneration before the formal canonization process was established. Though the circumstances surrounding Saint Justus' life and martyrdom are steeped in legend, his story continues to inspire believers to remain steadfast in their faith, even in the most perilous times. The young boy's bravery and remarkable miracles serve as a testament to the power of devotion and the indomitable spirit of martyrs throughout history.

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