St. Paulinus II of Aquileia
January 28
Saint Paulinus of Aquileia, also known as Paulinus II, was a prominent figure in early medieval Christianity. Born in the year 726 in Premariacco, near Cividale, Italy, he was raised on a farm but displayed an extraordinary intellectual aptitude from a young age. Despite lacking formal education, he pursued knowledge with great diligence and eventually gained a wide reputation for his scholarship. Paulinus began his teaching career and soon became well-known as a respected educator. His intellectual prowess attracted the attention of Charlemagne, the King of the Franks, who invited him to join his court as a courtier in 774. Recognizing Paulinus' skills, Charlemagne appointed him as the "royal master of grammar," a highly prestigious position. Over the years, Paulinus served at the court for more than a decade and became a favorite of the emperor. While at court, Paulinus developed a passion for poetry and harnessing his talents, he composed numerous poems that gained him further recognition. Among his notable works is the Carolingian epic poem, "Historia Romana," a retelling of the history of Rome. In 787, much to his reluctance, Paulinus was appointed as the Patriarch of Aquileia in northern Italy. As the patriarch, he attended and actively participated in all the great councils convoked during his tenure, gaining a reputation as a defender of the faith against heretics. One particular heresy he fought against was Adoptionism, which denied the full divinity of Christ. To combat this heresy and others, Paulinus convoked a synod wherein he presented two surviving works that refuted these false doctrines. Saint Paulinus of Aquileia also displayed a deep commitment to spreading the Christian faith. He dispatched and financially supported missionaries to pagan territories, making it clear that conversions should not be forced. He emphasized the importance of evangelization through education and understanding, instructing his missionaries not to baptize those who were ignorant of the faith or considered it a form of magic. Paulinus was also renowned as a preacher, particularly in the areas of Styria and Carinthia. His sermons touched the hearts of many, spreading the word of God and reinforcing the teachings of the Church. Saint Paulinus of Aquileia passed away on January 11, 804, from natural causes. His relics are currently housed under the altar of the crypt in the basilica of Cividale del Friuli, Italy. He was canonized before the formal introduction of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, making him a Pre-Congregation saint. Throughout his life, he left a lasting impact as a scholar, teacher, defender of the faith, and missionary, making him an inspiration to all who follow the Christian path.
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