Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Great Cloud of Witnesses

St. Rene Goupil
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M.

St. Rene Goupil

September 29

Saint René Goupil, also known as Renatus Goupil, was born in 1606 in Anjou, France. He entered the Jesuit novitiate in Paris with the intention of joining the order. However, due to his deafness, he was unable to become a Jesuit. Undeterred, René pursued the study of medicine and eventually offered his services as a medic to the Jesuit missionaries in America. In 1639, René Goupil embarked on a mission to the New World and served as a layman or "donné" among the Huron people. His selfless dedication and commitment to the mission impressed the Jesuits, and in particular, he became an assistant to Saint Isaac Jogues, a renowned Jesuit missionary. René's knowledge of medicine proved invaluable as he assisted Saint Isaac in his missionary travels and cared for the sick and injured along the way. In 1640, René worked at a hospital in Quebec, Canada. His compassionate and healing nature made a significant impact on the lives of those he treated. However, René's missionary work was not without danger. The Iroquois, enemies of the Huron people, captured René and Saint Isaac Jogues in 1642. During their captivity, René Goupil's deep faith shone brightly. It was reported that he made the sign of the cross over a child's head as an act of blessing, but it was misunderstood by the Iroquois as a curse. Angered by this perceived offense, they subjected René to severe torture for a period of two months. Despite enduring unimaginable suffering, René remained steadfast in his faith. In recognition of René's unwavering commitment to God, Saint Isaac Jogues, witnessing his extraordinary holiness, admitted René into the Jesuit order as a religious brother while they were still in captivity. This gesture affirmed the depth of René's dedication and his status as a martyr. On an unfortunate day, René Goupil suffered a martyr's death when he was tomahawked in the head. His martyrdom occurred on an unknown date in 1642. The circumstances surrounding his death were deeply tragic, but his martyrdom marked an important milestone in the spread of Christianity in North America. Saint René Goupil was beatified by Pope Pius XI on June 21, 1925, and canonized on June 29, 1930, by the same pope. His feast day is celebrated on September 29th, and he is also honored on October 19th as one of the Martyrs of North America. René Goupil's patronage extends to anesthetists and anesthesiologists. His association with anesthesia stems from the fact that his death by tomahawk to the head has linked him symbolically to those who work with or receive anesthesia during medical procedures. Saint René Goupil's life and martyrdom serve as an inspiration to all who strive to follow their faith with unwavering dedication and selfless service to others. His story is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the willingness to endure suffering in the pursuit of spreading God's love to the world.

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