Sts. Liberata and Faustina
Jaunary 18
Sts. Liberata and Faustina were the daughters of one Giovannato, who lived in the fortress of Olgisio in Pianello Val Tidone, in the province of Piacenza, where there are prehistoric caves known as the caves of the "Saints". Although promised in marriage, after a vision of a woman mourning the death of her husband, the sisters fled the castle and lived as a hermits. They later moved to Como and joined the Benedictines. According to Federico Troletti, the cult of Saint Faustina and Liberata is an isolated phenomenon in the Camonica Valley, where it is believed a flood was averted through their intercession. Liberata and Faustina were invoked as patronesses of women in labor. Their Feast Day is 18 January.