Dear Friends and Family,
Christmas 2024
Christmas, 2024
Dear Friends and Family,
It has been several years since I have been able to communicate through a Christmas letter. Sometime back, I started to experience numbness in my right hand and arm. This was followed by some considerable pain. After consulting a neurologist and a surgeon, I underwent a neck surgery which alleviated the pain and numbness. However, I never got the strength back in my right hand. I am right-handed. However, I can’t even squeeze toothpaste from the tube with that hand. So, I am learning how to use my left hand.
Of course, my penmanship is horrible. My youngest brother, Tim, downloaded voice recognition software onto my computer so that I can dictate anything that needs to be written out. However, addressing envelopes is not possible anymore, and postage has gotten so great that I am using e-mail for almost everything.
2024 has been a year of change for me. I had cataract surgery in January and no longer need glasses except to read. I got hearing aids in April. I wish I could say that they are a great help. However, as the doctor tells me, hearing aids will never be as good as my ears. Because I am alone for 22 of the 24 hours in a day, I don’t use them very often except when I know that they might be of some help. In July, I had to replace my old bridgework. Now I have a set of bright new “choppers.” As the old saying goes, nothing lasts forever.
In November, my sister Christine, 72 years old, passed away. With both Mary and Christine gone, it is only the five boys left behind (Al, Paul, Tom, Tim, and me). Al had triple bypass surgery in November but was told that everything went as planned. He is back at home and celebrated his 54th wedding anniversary yesterday with his wife Yvonne. Paul is still experiencing difficulties with his knees. Tom seems to be doing just fine, and Timothy reached the ripe old age of 60 in November. My health issues continue to plague my life; however, I am at the best place I could possibly be given my health. I serve as the chaplain of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Frankfort, Illinois. There is 24/7 nursing care available here. I celebrate Mass for them six days a week and am available for anointing the sick periodically. In March of this coming year, I will reach eight years as chaplain of this convent.
I spend most of my day reading. I love my Kindle and finish about five books a week. I am currently enthralled with the vast array of variations on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. There are literally hundreds of these novels and novellas. They all involve the same characters in more or less the same geographic location as the original novel. However, the plot of each book takes one in a different direction than the original. I have read about 50 of them and still find them very interesting. I also have not given up on Anne Perry’s cozy mysteries.
If you are interested, my website address is I publish all of my homilies as well as some other information as often as I can. My address is St. Francis Woods Convent, 9201 W. St. Francis Road, Frankfort, IL 60423. Telephone number (312) 273-8365.
You remain in my prayers. May your Christmas be filled with many blessings. Please keep me in your prayers as well.
Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, OFM