Senior Citizenry
Dear Family and Friends:
As I continue to navigate through the mysteries of old age, the first six months of 2024 will be memorable.
In January I underwent cataract surgery. The surgery was successful and I am now only wearing glasses when I read. As I have worn glasses for 64 years, it is truly a remarkable feeling to be able to navigate without corrective lenses. With reading glasses, I am able to identify the very smallest line on the reading charts in the ophthalmologist’s office. Eyes, √
Next I visited my eyes, ears, nose, and throat doctor (ENT) who set me up with an audiologist who has helped me choose hearing aids. I once wore hearing aids about 24 years ago, but was a little frustrated with them and set them aside. Now I find that I really need them. Ears, √
A visit to the dentist who has been warning me that my bridgework would need to be replaced in the near future. Because of the expense, I put this issue on the back burner. However, nothing that is man-made lasts forever. Recently I visited the dentist who cut out my old bridgework and is working on a new one. Teeth, √
From November 20 to March 21, I engaged in physical therapy twice a week at Atletico. The therapists were pleased with the effort that I put in and reminded me that I could always return for more. I still need to use my Rollator, but my hips and knees are much stronger. √
As you can tell, I have been busy. Sometimes my website page has suffered because of this busyness. I hope to be able to correct that in the near future.
Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to fathom the mysteries of old age.
Fr. Lawrence
P.S. This picture is quite old but is the only one in which I am not wearing glasses.