St. Tarcisius (3rd c.) was a boy who lived during the persecution of Roman Emperor Valerian. When the Christians would secretly celebrate daily Mass in the catacombs, a deacon would be sent to carry the Holy Eucharist to the Christians waiting in prison to be executed. At one point there was no deacon to send, and so St. Tarcisius, a twelve-year-old acolyte, was sent to carry the "Holy...
On Sunday, May 12, 2013, Pope Francis canonized the citizens of the town of Otranto, Italy. In 1480, the city was overtaken by Ottoman Turks who offered the inhabitants the choice between death and conversion to Islam. Antony, an aged lay man artisan, was chosen as spokesman for the town, and explained to the Turks that Otranto chose Christ. 813 residents of Otranto were put to death on August...
These two men are perhaps the unlikeliest pair to be celebrated together. Pontian was elected pope in the year of our Lord 230. He was among those who were in favor of lessening the penitential practices of the Church for pagan converts. He was opposed in this regard by Hippolytus, a priest who opposed this practice. However, both were arrested and condemned to the mines of Sardinia,...
St. Jeanne (Jane) Frances de Chantal (1572–1641) was born in Dijon, France. She was the daughter of the president of parliament, and lived up to her noble status as a refined, cheerful, and beautiful woman. At the age of 21 she married a baron and together they had six children. She was strong in her faith, having daily Mass said in her castle, giving alms to the poor, and skillfully...
St. Clare (1194–1253) was born in Assisi, Italy to an aristocratic family, the daughter of a wealthy count. From childhood she was pious after the example of her mother, and as she grew her longing for God increased. When she was eighteen she heard St. Francis of Assisi preach a Lenten mission in the local church. His holy example kindled her desire to renounce the world and follow...