St. Theonestus of Philippi, also known as Teonesto, Teonisto, or Tonisto, was a renowned Bishop of Philippi in Macedonia during the 5th century. Little is known about his early life, but he dedicated himself to serving the Catholic Church as a clergyman. During his time as Bishop of Philippi, Saint Theonestus encountered significant challenges. One of the major hurdles he faced was the rise of...
On Oct. 29, 1971, a daughter was born to Ruggero and Maria Theresa Badano in the northern Italian town of Sassello who they named “Chiara.” At the age of nine, she attended her first Focolare meeting. That first encounter changed her young life. She fell in love with the Lord Jesus. Described by her biographers as a “normal girl” who loved to sing and dance, to...
The Martyrs of Avila, also known as Christeta, Sabina, and Vincent, were three courageous individuals who lived during a period of intense persecution in Spain. These siblings, two sisters and a brother, displayed unwavering faith in the face of adversity and ultimately paid the ultimate price for their beliefs. Born in Talavera de la Reina, Spain, little is known about the early lives of...
Pope Evaristus (died c. 107 AD) was Bishop of Rome of the Catholic Church, succeeding Clement I and holding office from c. 99 to his death c. 107. He was also known as Aristus. He is venerated as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church, and Oriental Orthodoxy. He is usually accorded the title of martyr; however, there is no confirmation of this. It is likely that He was the...
St. Cedd, who died 26 October 664, was an Anglo-Saxon monk and bishop from the Kingdom of Northumbria. He was an evangelist of the Middle Angles and East Saxons in England and a significant participant in the Synod of Whitby, a meeting which resolved important differences within the Church in England. He is venerated in the Catholic Church, Anglicanism, and the Eastern Orthodox Church.